Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Examples of the War on Women by . . . Liberals

Our progressive tax system, favored by liberals, imposes higher tax rates against higher incomes. This hurts those women whose income piles on top of their husband’s income at high tax rates. A married woman keeps less of her income than a single person earning the same pay. The solution is a flat tax, which liberals oppose.

Women tend to move in and out of the work force. Few of them benefit from union-driven pension plans that reward long service. Liberals, in case you haven’t noticed, favor unions.

Some women on the job prefer “flex time,” which packs more hours into fewer days, giving them additional days off. This option is needed by mothers attempting to juggle work and family. Nope, the law prevents the flexibility. Liberals and their union buddies prefer to set the work arrangements, giving them the flexibility. Having power over other people’s lives is what they live for.

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