Monday, June 11, 2012

Man-Caused Global Warming is a Crock

The earth is not warming. It stopped doing so fourteen years ago, in 1998.

From 1940 to 1975, the earth cooled. Global-warming proponents predicted we were doomed from the cold. Fossil fuels were the cause, they said, and bigger government was the solution.

From 1975 to 1998, the earth warmed. Global-warming proponents predicted we were doomed from the heat. Fossil fuels were the cause, they said, and bigger government was the solution.

Grasping at straws, the proponents now say we’re doomed from extremes of weather. Fossil fuels are the cause, of course, and bigger government is the solution.

In the year 1000 AD, the world’s temperature was warmer than it is now. This was when Greenland was given its name. It was warm enough for the Vikings to grow grapes, when not a single SUV could be found anywhere – imagine that!

While Arctic sea ice has recently been minimal, the ice sheets surrounding the Antarctic have been historically wide.  

And those forlorn polar bears? A recent survey from the government of Nunavut, a northern Canadian territory, found that the polar bears in northern Canada are flourishing and may be more numerous than they’ve ever been.

Global-warming proponents masquerade as scientists. At heart, they are promoters of bigger, more intrusive government.

1 comment:

  1. I am appalled. As a Norwegian I can assure you that the Vikings never grew grapes in Greenland or in Newfoundland. The temperature in the year 1000 was just slightly higher than 50 years ago. The ice in the Arctic is receding in a must higher speed then expected, which leaves the polar bears in that area in a dire situation. The ice on Greenland is also receding at a very dangerous speed. The ozone layer is getting thinner and even have holes in it, especially where I live. I could go on, but there is no doubt that man made pollution is the cause if these changes. ---- You are so typical American in that you see everything from an American point of view, despite the fact that the US and China are by far the worst polluter on this planet.
    Jan Eek
