Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Why Can’t We Just Get Along?

We can’t. Liberals live in a phantasy world where businessmen are bad and government employees are good. Liberals solve problems by force, striving for everyone to be equally poor. They believe that wealthy, heterosexual, white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant men are responsible for their actions. Everyone else is a victim.

In 2009, the top 1 percent of taxpayers, ranked by Adjusted Gross Income, paid 36.7 percent of personal income taxes. The bottom 50 percent paid only 2.3 percent. This is outrageous; people who make twice as much should pay twice as much tax, not most of the tax.

People should be held responsible for their actions. They won’t have equal results, but they should have equal opportunities.

When problems are solved by force, rich people can game the government-imposed system while poor people can’t. The bigger the government, the greater the gap between rich and poor. Take North Korea, for example.

In a free-market, capitalist economy, competition keeps people relatively honest and helps the poor more than the rich.

Don’t compromise with liberals. Relegate them to a permanent minority. Also amend the civil service laws, so that thousands, perhaps millions, of bureaucrats may be fired.   

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